The identity card for your recipe.
Today, when users look for recipes, they want more than just ingredients and working steps. They want to learn about what impact the food has on themselves as well as their surroundings.
We understand your (users') recipes
Our smart ingredient recognition understands even your most complex ingredient entries and matches them with ingredient tags.
2quantity largesize carrotsingredient, peeledpreparation andconjunction dicedpreparation.49g carrot (peeled)
  large size
carrots ingredient
peeled preparation
and conjunction
diced preparation
All the ingredients for success. And then some.
BonAPI matches the ingredient tags with all the information your users are interested in.BonAPI uses the ingredient tags to create a recipe profile so that you can display all the information your users are interested in. For an example check out this page from your desktop.
allergies & intolerances
Country & Continent specific seasonality
different country & region specific nutritional claims
different nutritional values
Basic Flavour Tags
For you to share with the world
Allow your users to learn more about your recipes.
How we can bring your recipes to the next level.
Ingredient Database Cleaning
We use our ingredient matching algorithm to clean your ingredient database and identify synonyms, duplicates and non-food items.
Recipe Data Enrichment
We create recipe profiles for your recipe collection so that you can display important peripheral information to your users, such as nutritional values, allergen information and seasonality.
Ongoing Services
We become your data provider for all things recipe. When users add new recipes, we automatically create a recipe profile to display peripheral information.
Custom Solutions
You have a specific problem with your recipe or ingredient database? You would like to offer your users custom information with your recipes? We are constantly developing our services further - let's talk and find a solution together!